Tuesday, April 27, 2010

fat quarterly

The farmer people.....yeah.  Don't mind that post.  It was meant for my family blog, but I can't delete it from the reader. Anyhoo....

Did you see that the very first issue of Fat Quarterly is now available for purchase?  Packed with six patterns, designer interviews and more.  Check out their blog to see all of the amazing photos of the items featured, and click here to purchase for yourself from their shop, or here to purchase a gift for someone else from their etsy shop. 

I'll be back soon...so much to talk about.  My string-x quilt, online quilty ettiquette, and a new finished quilt.  I've also added some new items to the shop!  Dolly and Me items for your little one and her doll, and Mommy and Me items for you and your little one!

Monday, April 19, 2010

nittany block party quilt top

I unpacked all my quilt blocks from my nittany block party and threw them up on my design wall. I became so giddy with excitement that I just had to snap a picture with my camera phone (of all things) and put it up on flickr.

I'm not sure what "Explore" is, but apparently my (horrible) photo made it there and is racking up views and faves like crazy.  Eeeks!  Why oh why did I have to take such a horrible picture?  Well, it's good motivation to get this baby finished and take a proper picture!  I'm *loving* this so much right now! Can't wait until it's done....but that may be a while.  I have big plans for the back as well, so I have quite a few more blocks to make.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

february blocks in april?

Well, not really.  These blocks were made in late February/early March before I left for Vegas.  But just now getting around to posting them.

First up, some flying geese for Claire:

And then some log cabins for Leanne:

In super fab fabric news...I have some Far Far Away Part 2 on order.  YAY!  I'm not allowed to post pics just yet, but can't wait to add fun items to the shop (and of course some quilts) with these awesome fabrics!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Is anyone out there? Remember me?

Phew! That was a long break! I was feeling a little burnt out on stuff, and had a crazy March. A trip to Vegas with some of my girlfriends (so not what you're thinking....we also had 11 kids in tow!), a couple of huge wholesale orders, and all the quilts, not to mention personal stuff like taxes and the like....I just needed to take a breather! So I gave myself until the end of March and now we're back to hit it hard!

Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post and quilting questions. I think kwiltmakr hit the nail on the head. When I went back to quilt again I tried to ease up on the fabric and as she said, just guide it. No more skipped stitches! I think I was just putting a little too much of myself into it.

I'm hoping to have a few new things to show you soon, including my February bee blocks (can't believe I haven't shown those yet!), March bee blocks and some quilts.

For now, off to enjoy the weather. 70's and sunny here this week....truly amazing weather!