Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year! So hard to believe it's 2010 already. 2009 seems like a blur to many new things. New gardens (we more than doubled our garden beds this year), new baby, new hobbies (sewing, knitting and quilting) which ultimately led me to this blog and my shop. I want to thank those of you out there reading this blog, following along and commenting. Means a lot to me! And thanks also to all my customers! The notes I get telling me how much your little ones love their Noah and Lilah items just absolutely make my days and bring a smile to my face. Really and truly make it all worthwhile, so thanks again!

I have big plans for many new shop items to debut (and not just at Noah and Lilah...HomeModern also!), new studio space, three online quilting bees...just to name a few. Much more on all that to come, but in the meantime, take a look at what we've been up to over here (and why I haven't posted since before Christmas!):

my studio a few days ago...

my studio as of this morning!
I really should have taken a proper "before" photo - it had been serving as a playroom for Noah and had nothing but the center light fixture you see in the picture for lighting. Also, the left wall lacked drywall completely. Quite a bit of progress was made in the last week or so. Very exciting! I'll be sure to update you on progress as we continue! Now, I need to finish organizing in there. ;-)


  1. How special to have your own new space! And you certainly have a lot of things going on! Take care of yourself.

  2. Wow, how nice, can't wait to see it all done and I am sure you can't either. Happy New Year to you.

  3. A STUDIO!! Aww the sound of the word alone is exciting. :-) Congrats!!
