At 3 weeks old, she had decided she wanted to be awake, look around, see the world. And I loved every minute of it! But with Noah it also kept me very occupied. But, that also meant that Thursday evening she slept...a LOT! So, with Derrick spending time with Noah, and Lilah sleeping the night away, I was actually able to sit down at the sewing machine!
I worked on her onesie, mostly because I had decided that if I didn't finish it soon, at the rate she's eating there's no way she'd fit into it. But as I worked on it more, I also started to wonder whether I'd be able to get it on her as it was! (fyi...I had decided the neckhole was too small, but was going to take care of that with snaps either on one of the straps or behind the neck).
Ultimately, I decided to scrap it. I just didn't make any of the holes quite large enough, and then trying to hem them that small was a total pain. And it's not like it's a whole loss - I will still use this fabrics as scraps for quilts! ;-)
So last night I spent time drawing out and cutting out the pieces, and today was able to finish this dress!

I love it! Noah had picked out the seahorse fabric and luckily I had enough to also do the dress (afabricoutlet on etsy - LOVE this shop! When I bought the fabric the yard was only 34", so she sent me that piece, PLUS two fat quarters of it, PLUS a freebie for the inconvenience. She rocks!).
This is the third dress I've made of that pattern. It's getting a little old, but I still love it! And I normally do the bodice and sleeves all one color so decided to change the sleeves up this time and I'm really glad I did. I think it turned out great!
Of course it's probably going to be quite large on her for a while. But I'm sure we'll be putting in on her soon anyway!
My new foot is here! So I'm also hoping that I can finish quilting this weekend. But Derrick really hurt his back this morning so I'm kind of on full-time kid duty, so we'll see!
Also, if anyone is up for a quilt-a-long I just joined Amanda Jean's 9-patch quilt-a-long (round 2). Check it out if you're interested! I have the perfect fabric picked out! I'm really excited about this one!
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